In a recent post JetMS outlined the importance of #KYC (Know Your Customer), which are guidelines in financial services require that professionals make an effort to verify the identity, suitability, and risks involved with maintaining a business relationship.
In our global and ever-changing world, we believe the #KYC is much more than a Financial/Risk analysis.
#KYC is:
- Guidelines to your customer desires, requirements and what are they missing
- Listening to your customers, not only to what they are saying but more so to what
they do not say.
All so you will get to know your customer and support them as best as possibly can.
Every organization should determine their guidelines to know their customers so can lay the foundation for great relations….
The last 2 years and current turmoil just emphasized the importance of #KYC and in more levels than we have known before.
With the war raging in Ukraine, it is now our humane obligation to #KYC, keep track of their wellbeing, of their requirements and if there is anything you can support them with.
Last week I corresponded with some Ukrainian customers, in their hiding places.
The images and sense of helplessness was heart breaking, but it did not deter us checking ways we can support them.
Wishing for the current global turmoil will not escalate to something worse, that will destroy our world as we know it.
May you all be well and keep safe

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